TALOS is the Star Trek of my retro-imagination, a collection of short stories I’m writing to my nine-year-old self back in 1972. It’s how I imagine life would really be like for the crew of Starship Enterprise on her five-year mission. It’s a gritty retelling of the classic TOS episodes from the perspective of a rookie engineer, or a ship’s cook, or a non-rate crewperson cleaning the toilet bilges down on Deck 16.
The stories respect the Star Trek canon, but only as it stood in 1972. If it appeared on screen in one of the 79 episodes of the Original Series, it’s real in the TALOS universe. Beyond that, anything goes. This is a retro-imagining of Star Trek from the cultural perspective of 1972, before the technical manuals and blueprints and novels and movies and spinoffs and sequels, when Starfleet and the Federation were still loosey-goosey concepts and there were only 12 starships in the whole damn fleet. When, in the real world, the civil rights movement was hitting high gear and Vietnam was coming to a close and the Apollo space program was dying from relentless budget cuts. Miniskirts and leisure suits. Richard Nixon. Sammy Davis Junior, Neil Diamond, the Osmonds.
Above all, TALOS is a work of fan fiction. It’s entirely for fun. I write these stories selfishly, for myself. I’m sharing them here, always for free, and I hope you enjoy them.
The TALOS stories (so far…):
Episode 01: Delta Vega (Where No Man Has Gone Before)
Episode 02: Mudd Pie (Mudd’s Women)
Episode 03: The Countdown (The Corbomite Manuever)
Episode 4: Blood and Salt (The Man Trap, coming ???)
TALOS is a work of fan fiction. It is a labor of love and is offered freely and generates no form of revenue for the author or anyone else. Star Trek is a registered trademark of Paramount Global (previously ViacomCBS and/or Paramount Pictures and/or CBS Broadcasting, Inc.). The author is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Paramount or CBS.