LONGSTAR Easter Eggs

As you journey through the Known Arc within the pages of LONGSTAR, be sure to keep a keen eye, because there are a few little surprises especially for those readers with a deep understanding of science fiction’s rich history. Woven into LONGSTAR’s narrative, these Easter eggs are elusive, whimsical, and require an intrepid sense of nerdy exploration to uncover. They are my way of paying homage to the beloved classics and pop culture references that have shaped the sci-fi genre. They won’t distract from the story, and if you aren’t looking for them you’ll never see them.

Spotting these Easter Eggs requires a touch of literary archaeology, a dash of curiosity, and a prodigious nerdiness. They might be concealed in the whispers of forgotten avatars, the echoes of ancient memories, or the resonance of alien languages. To recognize them requires more than casual observation; it demands the keen instincts of a true geek connoisseur. A few are easy to spot. Most are not.

Don’t make a special effort to try to find the Easter eggs, just be aware that they exist. If you do happen to recognize one while you’re reading, give a little chuckle and move on with the story. They aren’t meant to be distracting. They’re meant to be fun.

Your curiosity is the compass, and the universe of the Known Arc is your playground. Have fun and enjoy LONGSTAR!

My regards,

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“Kinetic and sharply written [with] spirited, impressive worldbuilding [and] a stellar cast of characters.”

LONGSTAR, a novel by Patrick Cumby
LONGSTAR: a novel of the Known Arc
Science Fiction | 693 pages
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Epic… great depth and ambitionnot your average sci-fi yarn.
– Manhattan Book Review